Học Thi Real Estate License ở California: Real Estate Appraisal 1. Economic obsolescence would generally be considered: a result of poor design or construction a result of age and wear and tear incurable depreciation curable depreciation None 2. To obtain a listing, a broker agrees to make a free appraisal of the property. As to this appraisal agreement, which of the following is true? it is valid if it is an appraisal it is illegal it is void the broker has violated the Real Estate Law None Hint 3. Two identical buildings were each leased for 20 years at the same rent. One was leased as a hardware store and one as a post office. At a sale, which building would bring more money? the hardware store the value would be the same the post office the value would depend on the cost None Hint 4. Allocating a percentage of total value to the land and a percentage to the improvements is known as: both a and b neither a nor b the ratio of total value to site value the allocation approach None 5. The relationship between a property and a prospective purchaser is known as: value highest and best use utility contribution None 6. A lender would likely offer the lowest loan to value ratio loan on a loan secured by: commercial property residential income property industrial property single-family home None Hint 7. The cost that is most frequently over looked in determining net income for capitalization appraising is: vacancy loss redecorating needs management expenses modernization expenses None 8. Demand has no effect on value unless there is also: a need an adequate supply purchasing power a scarcity None Hint 9. The most difficult depreciation to correct would be: economic functional accelerated physical None Hint 10. The principle of substitution applies in: balancing out amenities substituting architectural styles finding an equal area all of these None Hint 11. The principle of anticipation relates to the: gross multiplier income approach market-comparison approach cost approach None Hint 12. To determine the highest and best use of a location, you should commence with: FEMA maps elevation charts determining capitalization rate land value determination None 13. An appraisal is required: all of these for a new subdivision in California for an FHA loan for any sale of housing None 14. The major factor in determining the value of industrial land is: depreciation square footage corner influence front footage None Hint 15. Which of the following is the best example of functional obsolescence? a rotted mudsill massive cornices in an apartment building decline of the neighborhood adverse zoning across the street None Hint 16. Neighborhood is important in real estate because: none of these real estate is immobile traffic affects desirability property in a poor neighborhood doesn't sell None 17. Highest and best use refers to: the greatest value of improvements the most beneficial use to the community none of these the use that results in the greatest net None Hint 18. The Home Valuation Code of Conduct must be subscribed to by: all licensed appraisers all certified appraisers lenders selling loans to Freddie Mac appraiser using the Uniformed Residential Appraisal Report None Hint 19. Which value bears the least relationship to the market value? book value exchange value loan value assessed value None Hint 20. Such things as well-cared-for shrubbery and a fenced yard refer to: arrested depreciation the amenities of home ownership the stability of the neighborhood economic appreciation None Hint 21. In order to determine accrued depreciation of a residential property, each year of the economic age of a structure receives: decreasing depreciation increasing depreciation 1/27.5 of the replacement value equal weight None Hint 22. Putting aside $1000 a year in govermnet bonds for five years to replace the roof is an example of: a contingency reserve planned depreciation a sinking fund a reserve for depreciation None 23. The conditions of sale will affect the: utility of the subject property cost basis of the subject property price of the subject property value of the subject property None Hint 24. Estimating a property's value based on its future income for specified number of years would be: reversionary rights an annuity method the capitalization method the straight-line method None 25. The definition of highest and best use would contain which of the following phrase? effective gross income multiple properties net income income properties None Hint 26. As to capitalization rates, which of the following is true? lowerin the rate increases the value all of these are true increasing the risk increases the rate increasing the rate lowers the value None Hint 27. Cost presents a measure of ___ sacrifice either of materials of labor, and always represents a measure of ___ expenditure. Value, on the other hand, constitutes __ worths of future benefits. past, past, present present, past, past present, future, present present, present, present None 28. Market value is best described as: the utility use to the owner the cost of a property what a property will bring at a sale none of these None Hint 29. By putting together four parcels of land, each worth $1,000. a property owner creates one large parcel worth $5,000. This process is known as: assemblage appreciation of scale growth unearned increment None 30. The gross multiplier: is the best method for rental units may be expressed as an annual gross multiplier requires computation of all expenses is used promarily on single family dwellings None Hint 31. As to the income capitalization method of appraising, which of the following is true? all of these it requires the determination of an applicable capitalization rate it is interested in net returns, not gross income it is not a good method for single family dwellings as it does not consider the amenities of home ownership None 32. To find a good comparable, an appraiser would be least interested in a sale: in an older neighborhood in another part of the city in which both the buyer and the seller were willing under distress conditions None Hint 33. The most important factor in determining the value of a single family home is its: location original cost floor plan square footage None 34. Two properties have an appraised value of $100,000 each. One uses a capitalization rate of 10 percent and one a rate of 11 percent. The property using the 11 percent rate has an income: 11 percent less than the other property 10 percent higher than the other property 10 percent less than the other property 11 percent higher than the other property None 35. An eight year old apartment building would cost $220,000 to build today. The land is worth $50,000. With a 40 year expected economic life, its net income is $27,000. The gross multiplier is 10. The desired return on this type of property is 8 1/2 percent. Using the most appicable single method to appraise the building, an appraiser would say it is worth: $226,000 $317,647 the average of a, b and c $270,000 None Hint 36. An accountant and an appraiser are both interested in depreciation. the appraiser would be interested in straight-line depreciation the accountant would be interested in straight-line depreciation all of these are true the accountant would be interested in accelerated depreciation None 37. The comparison method of appraising is: used on vacant land a simple method to learn not the desired method for income property all of these None 38. An accountant would be primarily interested in: market value book value assessed value exchange value None 39. It would be unethical for an appraiser to: both a and b charge an appraisal fee as a percentage of value appraise a property in which he or she has a disclosed interest neither a nor b None Hint 40. Corner influence can most aid the value of: retail stores industrial property apartments single-family homes None Hint 41. A $200,000 new apartment house is to be depreciated over 40 years. The straight mortgage on it is due in 50 years for $100,000. The land is worth $10,000. When fully depreciated, the adjusted cost basis will be: $100,000 $10,000 none of these $200,000 None Hint 42. In using comparables to determine value, you would add to the sale price of the subject property if: the comparable was a larger house than the one being appraised the comparable were on a 12,000 square foot lot while the house being appraised had a 7,000 square foot lot the comparable had a two car garage, and the house being appraised had a three car garage the comparable had three baths, and the house being approved had two baths None Hint 43. In determining economic obsolescence, an appraiser would be interested in knowing whether: the people in the area are doing well economically the building is well managed the building has exceeded its economic life the building needs repair None Hint 44. In finding comparables, an appraiser uses the term adjusted sale price. This reffers to: none of these sale cost adjusted for inflation estimate of sale price when adjusting for characteristics of a particular property sale price less sale costs None Hint 45. As to the Inwood and Hoskold appraisal methods, which of the following is true? Inwood is an annuity method Hoskold is a sinking-fund method neither a nor b is true both a and b are true None 46. The statement "more buildings are torn down than wear out" is a definition of: physical deterioration none of these economic obsolescence functional obsolescence None Hint 47. A separate value for the land must be computed for the: cost approach capitalization approach all of these market approach None Hint 48. Actual rental income is best obtained by: checking with tenants checking the listing checking with the owner checking with the manager None Hint 49. A building is in exceptionally good condition. Its effective age is: less than its actual age more than its actual age none of these the same as the actual age None 50. Assenblage is closest to: plottage residual value contribution capitalization None Hint 51. Urban blight results from: mixed property use all of these lower income and educational levels deteriorating structures None 52. Depth tables would be used by: all of these a municipal water district surveyors an appraiser None 53. An example of unearned income would be: increased rents due to remodeling increased income due to increased demand none of these increased value due to more selective tenants None Hint 54. Functional obsolescence can be created by: deterioration of the driveway forces outside the property itself an overimprovement a land use not in conformance with the area None Hint 55. The most important factor for the average buyer of a home is: potential rent floor plan architectural style location None 56. A means of providing for return of your investment is: depreciation a sinking fund profit a reserve for depreciation None Hint 57. The best appraisal would use: all of these replacement cost market comparison capitalization of income None Hint 58. The highest value would most likely be the: assessed value book value market value loan value None Hint 59. Inappraising an income property, an appraiser is concerned with: the quality of tenants the amount of income all of these the continuing prospect of present income None Hint 60. The period in which a building produces income attributable to the building itself is known as: residual period economic life replacement period depreciation None 61. In using the market-data approach in appraising a single-familly residence, comparisons should be made as to: rental income gross multipliers cubic footage the entire property None 62. To appraise a lot with a worthless, condemned building on it, an appraiser would: forget about the building add the appraisal value of the building to the value of the lot capitalize the value of the entire property and deduct the value of the building deduct the cost of demolition from the value of the lot None 63. Rising interest rates as the only economic change would affect the value of an apartment house in that the: rentals would drop value would rise value would drop value would remain unchanged None Hint 64. Rents in an office building became $800 less per month after street parking was made illegal. Assuming a capitalization rate of eight percent, the building suffered a loss of value of: $120,000 zero $10,000 $100,000 None Hint 65. The least important factor in appraising a home for market value would be: its physical condition the tax appraisal the neighborhood any special amenities None Hint 66. Obsolescence would not include a: deteriorating neighborhood need of painting bad design lack of closets None Hint 67. Progression and regression in appraisal relate to: cost change appreciation depreciation None Hint 68. Which of the following is not a factor in appraising a one-family home? rent type of construction floor plan square footage None 69. Depth tables would be most likely used in appraising which kind of property? industrial residential acreage commercial None Hint 70. Excess land is defined as land: any of these in excess of that used for comparable properties that does not add to the total property value not utilized by the improvents None 71. The most difficult aspect of utilizing the cost approach is in: setting the capitalization rate determining replacement cost determining accrued depreciation determining adjusted gross income None 72. In appraisal of commercial property, the most important factor would be: the location the sale price the value of the improvements none of these None 73. The narrative form of an appraiser's report would include all except: a description of the property the financial terms the qualifications of the appraiser the data used with analysis None Hint 74. In appraising a property with two baths, the appraiser used a comparable with 2 1/2 baths. The appraiser should: disregard the difference subtract from the value of the subject property deduct from the sale price of the comparable add the cost of a half bath to the subject property None Hint 75. The elements of value do not include: scarcity and transferability cost and age any of these utility and demand None Hint 76. As to the appraisal of a single-family dwelling, which of the following is true? the cost approach can be used on new homes capitalization of income is the preferred method the market approach is accurate only with new homes the reproduction method is the preferred method None 77. Of the following reasons, which explains why replacement cost is better for new buildings than for old structures? historical influence of structure on the neighborhood difficuity adjusting to 1907 materials prices the higher risks of insuring an older struture difficulty in finding depreciation None Hint 78. Which of the following cannot be depreciated? bearing orchards a single-family house that is rented land used to raise alfalfa any of these None Hint 79. A property is 40 years old. The present owner purchased it new and has depreciated it at 2 1/2 percent per year since the, leaving no allowance for salvage or land value. The building currently is appraised at $87,000, and the land under it is worth $200,000. The book value is: $287,000 minus depreciation zero $287,000 $40,000 None Hint 80. The period for which a property can show a return attribute to the improvements is known as the property's: effective age chronological life economic life depreciation life None Hint 81. In appraising a house for insurance coverage, an appraiser would most likely be concerned with: the selling price of similar homes the age of the house replacement cost income None 82. A real estate appraisal would customanily be: all of these an estimation of replacement cost an estimation of the maximum price possible an opinion made as of a particular date None 83. Which of the following basic real economic characteristics is the best expression of why real estate has value? nearness to high-rent districts high cost of replacement maximum utilixation of available resources better prospects for speculative growth None 84. An appraiser is going to use the cost method in appraising two houses. One is new and one is 50 years old. The cost method: would be equally effective for both appraisals would be less effective for the new house has no validity for either appraisal would be less effective fo the 50 yearl old house None Hint 85. A person engaged solely in the appraisal of real estate is required to: be a real estate salesperson be an MAI be a real estate broker none of these None Hint 86. As to economic life and physical life, which of the following is true? they normally are of the same duration physical life is shorter economic life is longer economic life is shorter None Hint 87. An appraiser would not obtain accelerrated depreciation by using: the sum of the digits method the 200 percent declining balance method any of these the straight-line method None Hint 88. The subjective value of a parcel is: the use value to owner the exchange value the loan value the dollar value to buyer None Hint 89. The principal of substitution is that: locations can be freely substituted in the market a person will not pay more for a property than the cost of another property of equal utility and desirability none of these amenities are balanced in appraising None 90. A property value can be influenced by neighboring property. The value of a home would least likely be influenced by a neighborhood containing: large homes converted to small apartments vacant lots mixed residential and commercial uses homes of significantly lower value None Hint 91. To offset depreciation, a person may: combine functional and economic obsolescence lower the rate of contemplated capitalization use a reserve-for-replacement method include the plottage value None Hint 92. An area that would most likely maintain its value would: have people of similar incomes be a new area requiring no down payments have people of vastly different incomes have income units mixed in among single-family housing None Hint 93. Depreciating an apartment building $10,000 in one year would: increase the book value $10,000 decrease the market value $10,000 increase the market value $10,000 decrease the book value $10,000 None Hint 94. Loss of value of an expensive home because of a neighborhood of low price homes is known as: functional obsolescence progression regression physical depreciation None 95. The replacement cost method of appraising: tends to set the lower limit of value is never used in conjunction with other methods tends to set the upper limit of value is generally the best method for income property None 96. The following are all good definitions of depreciation except: it includes all of the influences that reduce the value of a property below its replacement cost if new it is always concerned with the intrinsic factors of property,, never with the extraneous factors it is due to wear and tear of incestment property or property used in a trade or business it is a loss of value from any cause None Hint 97. Building a $200,000 home in a neighborhood of $70,000 to $100,000 homes is an example of: economic obsolescence functional obsolescence expanded value progression None Hint 98. Capitalising the net income and deducting the replacement cost of the improvements gives: the land value the effective value the economic value the appraised value of the property None 99. In making an appraisal for a bank, an appraiser would be concerned with: none of these the purchase price to be paid to the seller the amount of the loan requested both a and b None Hint 100. Amenities are: interest payments none of these elements of beauty, utility, and convenience elements of depreciation None 101. Authorities say four agents contribute to gross income. Which of the following is not one of them? land depreciation capital coordination or management None Hint 102. Of greatest importance to the value of a single-family residence would be: income supply demand de'cor None Hint 103. A lot has three possible uses. Building a kennel would yield a net return of $87,000 on an investment of $65,000. Building an apartment house would yield a $211,000 return on a $2,552,000 investment, and building a supermarket would yeild $157,000 on an $520,000 investment. If the capitalization rate for all three investments is nine percent, then the investment that would yeild the highest income attributable to the land alone would be the: apartment building supermarket kennel cannot be computed from data given None 104. The objective value of a parcel is most nearly: utility value to a seller loan value market value book value None 105. Utility value would be most nearly equivalent to: market value cost price use value None 106. Income minus operating expenses minus principal, interest, and tax payments equals: net gross net spendable income net income effective gross income None Hint 107. An appraiser who is concerned with the present worth of future benefits is likely using the: income approach market-comparison approach correlation method cost approach None Hint 108. Each unit in a duplex rents for $400 per month. With a price of $96,000, the monthly gross multiplier would be: 20 10 120 240 None Hint 109. An appraisal method wherein electrical work was appraised at a price per outlet would be the: comparison method quantity-survey method capitalization method unit-in-place method None Hint 110. As to the replacement cost method of appraising, which of the following is true? all of these it is good as to new improvements it would be the method used for a library it tends to set the upper value of a property None 111. A capital improvement to real property would: be written off in the year it is made increase the book value by the cost of the improvement increase its value by the cost of the improvement increase the book value by the amount the appraisal is increased None 112. Subtracting vacancy and collection factors from gross income gives: net spendable net adjusted gross gross profit None 113. An appraiser would appraise an apartment house by: capitalizing anticipated future income capitalizing the past income using the reproduction method using the market-comparison method None 114. When the demand for homes remains constant and the supply: remains the same, the value will decrease diminishes, the value will increase increases, the value will increase remains the same, the value wil increase None Hint 115. In appraising a vacant lot, an appraiser would first determine the asking price price asked for similar lots original cost and when purchased highest and best use None Hint 116. An appraiser defines the boundaries of a neighborhood by: socail conformity traffic geographical status economic status None 117. An appraiser would be most interested in the: loan requested price to be paid by the purchaser tax appraisal factors extraneous to the property None Hint 118. The economic life of a frame dwelling is most nearly: 27 1/2 years 60 years 19 years 40 years None Hint 119. The appraisal principle that relates to the market approach to value is the principle of: anticipation competition substitution conformity None Hint 120. Estimating rotal land value and adding the value of the improvemnts would: tend to set the upper limit of value be the best method for appraisal of a house not be appropriate for newer construction tend to set the lower limit of value None Hint 121. A property is 15 years old, but an appraiser puts an age of 7 years on it since it has been kept up like new. This is an example of: incorrect appraisal economic age effective age physical age None 122. Proper scientific appraisal can determine: the exact value at a future date the exact value at the time of appraisal neither a nor b both a and b None Hint 123. In determining net income for use in the capitalization method of appraising, an appraiser would not be concerned with the: cost of borrowing money management costs property tax vacancy factor None Hint 124. The oldest method of appraising is: the gross multiplier comparison cost capitalization None Hint 125. Functional obsolescence would not be caused by: the proximity of a nuisance lack of heating and cooling surplus utility eccentric design None Hint 126. A lot 400 feet deep lost 20 percent of its depth. What is the effect of the loss in depth on the value of the lot? the value will decrease in excess of 20 percent the price per front foot will increase the value will decrease by 20 percent the price per square foot would increase None Hint 127. A broker quotes an income figure based on 100 percent occupancy with no rental incentives given. The figure quoted is: net operating income bottom-line income gross scheduled income effective gross income None 128. Which one of these forces is not a force influencing value? economic political social demand None Hint 129. Value would be best described as: highest and best use comparable recent sales price present worth of future benefits potential worth None 130. In capitalization-of-income appraising, an appraiser need not consider management expenses when: the management is provided by a tenant the tenant provides management in lieu of rent the owner handles all management none of these None Hint 131. Which of the following values is always based on the price paid? utility value book value market value exchange value None Hint 132. A warehouse has vertical support columns every 12 feet making it difficult to rent. This is an example of: economic obsolescence all of the above functional obsolescence physical deterioration None Hint 133. A building would cost $140,000 to replace, but it is appraised at $90,000. This difference is: accrued depreciation the conformity factor the progression factor remainder depreciation None 134. The best comparable property for appraising a home would be: a similar property sold to a buyer who had a need for that property a home sold by an unwilling seller to a willing buyer a similar home sold by a person wanting to sell to a buyer wanting to buy a similar home sold at a foreclosure sale None Hint 135. A property value would be adversely affected by: strong restrictive covenants strict zoning enforcement a neighborhood with similar values and income levels deferred maintenance None Hint 136. In appraising property with great amenity value, an appraiser would use: capitalization the comparison method the reproduction method none of these None Hint 137. The cost approach is most appropriate for appraising: commercial property apartments service buildings raw land None Hint 138. The appraisal method that prices all labor and material in construction is: quantity-survey unit-in-place comparison capitalization None 139. The value of a commercial lot would be least influenced by factors relating to: transportation compaction drainage fertility None 140. An apartment building produces a monthly rent of $1,600. A similar property with monthly rents of $2,100 recently sold for $294,000. Using this as the only data, the appraiser would say that the first apartment building is worth: $293,600 $294,000 $224,000 $247,500 None Hint 141. During an inflationary period, interest rates: and housing prices rise rise and housing prices drop and housing prices drop drop and housing prices rise None 142. A property owner can protect against economic depreciation by: proper property management neither a nor b scheduling all maintenance promptly both a and b None Hint 143. In using the replacement-cost approach, an appraiser would not need: effective age land value cost when replace depreciation None Hint 144. An appraiser might use the principal of substitution in the: market-data approach income approach any or all of the above cost approach None 145. Evaluation could be best described as: a process market value the estimate of value a method None Hint 146. An appraiser would appraise landscaping and fences: separately with the building none of these with the land None 147. An appraiser is to appraise a store zoned for retail business only. As a retail store, expected income is $1,500 per month, but the property is leased on a long term least at $2,000 per month to a tenant who is using the store as a dry cleaning plant in violation of the zoning. The appraiser should: make the appraisal using $1,500 per month as the estimated income refuse to make the appraisal make the appraisal using $2,000 per month, since there is a long term lease use the reproduction approach, since the present income cannot be used None Hint 148. A property is valued at $300,000 with a five percent capitalization rate. If the prospective investor wants an eight percent return on her money, the property would be valued at: $480,000 $270,000 $187,500 $420,000 None Hint 149. To obtain depreciation on real estate, the real estate: must be a single-family dwelling must be commercial property must be improved property none of these None Hint 150. An appraiser would most likely have the designation: AAA MAI MAIA AA None Hint 151. A major problem in using the cost method to appraise an older apartment building is: that construction methods have changed all of these determining accrued depreciation that construction materials have changed None Hint 152. The best method to appraise a leased warehouse would be: income-capitalization square-footage index cubic-foot None Hint 153. Which of the following does not influence value? economic trends government regulations cost social trends None Hint 154. A factor an appraiser would consider when appraising a building would be: owner's depreciation book value all of these square footage None Hint 155. An appraisal is required for: a new FHA loan a new VA loan a probate sale all of these None