Học Thi Lý Thuyết Nails ở Mỹ (Tiếng Việt – Trắc nghiệm) Câu 301 – 400 1. Liquid nail wrap is used to: Speed silk wrap procedure Preserve nail art Strengthen natural nail Cover fungi None 2. Hangnails are treated by softening the cuticle with: Oil Polish remover Pumice powder Alum solution None 3. The purpose of buffing the nail before applying an acrylic nafl is to: Remove natural oil Add color to the nail Remove acrylic residue Add gloss to the nail None 4. In acrylic applications the free edge is formed with the: First acrylic ball Third acrylic ball Nail file Second acrylic ball None 5. Mending liquid is a heavy adhesive used to apply: Silk wraps Linen wraps Paper wraps Nail gems None 6. Victoria uses quats solution to disinfect her implements. Another complete name for quats is Sodium hypochlorite compounds Formaldehyde Quaternary ammonium compounds Ethyl alcohol None 7. While nipping her client's cuticles, accidently cuts into skin, and it begins to bleed. Helen, nail technician what should she apply to the cut: Alum powder Disinfectant solution 70% ethyl alcohol A styptic pencil None 8. Thomas is putting an antiseptic on his clientfis nails in preparation for artificial nails. An antiseptic: Kills only' pathogenic bacteria Kills only nonpathogenic bacteria Kills all bacteria Slows bacteria growth None 9. To prevent contamination of the disinfectant solution, disinfection containers should be kept: Warm In cupboards Cold Covered None 10. In order to have a good working relationship with coworkers, you should: Respect their opinions Familiar attitude Ask their opinions Point out mistakes None 11. Helen is performing a manicure using hot by electric heater. The type of manicure which performing is: Plain water French Reconditioning Electric None 12. The nail plate is made up of a protein called: Collagen Melanin Keratin Sebum None 13. How many types of bacteria can be found nearly everywhere: 1,500 5,000 10,000 15,000 None 14. Sculptured nails are also known as: Acrylic nails Manicure Nail wraps Extra long nails None 15. The ulnar nerve supplies the Thumb side of the arm Little finger side of the arm Fingers Wrist None 16. Katherine hears, smells, tastes, touches, and sees well. Her five senses are under the control of her ____ nervous system. Peripheral Neurological Central Automatic None 17. The parts of a muscle are Origin, digits, and belly Origin, insertion, and belly Digits, insertion, and phalanges Insertion, belly, and phalanges None 18. Tammy is applying a form of nail art that uses very fragile leafing. This type of nail art is: Gems Striping tape Foil Air- brushing None 19. Poor- fitting shoes may cause Pterygium Onychophagy Ingrown nails Brittle nails None 20. The nails have molds and fungus, the nail technician should: Work on nails after washing them with an antibacterial soap Soak her nails in alcohol for 20 minutes First soak her nails in acetone for 20 minutes Not work on these nails None 21. Non-acetone remover is used to remove polish from: Hangnails Artificial tips Toenails Accidental spills on clothes None 22. What does a disinfectant do to bacteria? Kills all bacteria Kills only pathogenic bacteria Retards bacteria growth Retards only pathogenic bacteria growth None 23. Annie is preparing her clientiis natural nails for acrylics. Which of the following must Annie does to the natural nails before applying the acrylic? Soften it with skin cream Buff it to remove the shine Soak it with hot oil Soak for 10 minutes in warm soapy water None 24. Cuticle pushers are also known as metal pusher or: Nippers Orange wood stick Emery boards Steel pushers None 25. The nevus on Vern's nail was probably caused by: High blood pressure A pigmented mole that occurs in the nail Poor blood circulation The natural immune system None 26. If the nail tip covers the nail plate from sidewall to sidewall, it is: Too wide Properly sized. Too long Too narrow None 27. The opaqueness of linen wraps requires that they be covered with: Glitter Mending tissue Clear polish Colored polish None 28. Linen wraps are the: Hardest to do Easiest to rip or tear Closely woven, heavy material Hardest to maintain None 29. In some states, formalin: Can not be used Is the safest disinfectant Is used to sanitize hands Must be F.D.A registered None 30. The ulna is the large bone of the forearm, attached to the wrist and located on the side of the: Thumb Hand Upper arm Little finger None 31. Before using any manicuring Implement, Sandy should Wipe It with tissue Wipe it with a towel Disinfect it Wash it with soap and hot water None 32. The French manicure look can be created through the: One- color acrylic method Proper diet Proper buffing techniques Two-color acrylic method None 33. The muscles which can cause goose bumps are called the: Arrector pili Papillae Goosli muscles Lesion None 34. It is important to sanitize a clientos nail before applying acrylic nails because the antiseptic will Adhere the acrylic to the natural nail Soften the properly for acrylic nail Help to prevent fungus Dry the acrylics quickly None 35. Kristy's nails will grow faster In the winter In the autum In the summer On her feet None 36. The nail grooves are indentations found at the ... of the nail Base Sides Root Free edge None 37. The recommended maintenance schedule for.al acrylic nails is every: Month Two to three weeks Day Six months None 38. Katherin's salon, and Patrick's salon all use the same disinfection method. The most common method that salons use is __disinfection. Physical Steam or moist heat Chemical Autoclave None 39. While performing a pedicure, what should Anita use to separate her clientds toes: Paper towels Her fingers Toe separators The orangewood stick None 40. Client service records are usually kept on: Pink paper Blue paper Triplicate forms Index cards None 41. A repair patch is a piece of fabric (silk, fiber glass, linen) cut to: Nailds shape Look like a daisy-a. Completely cover crack or break 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch None 42. Parker's wrist bone is called Carpus Metacarpus Digit Radius None 43. The part of Peggy's nail plate that extends over her fingertips is called the Free edge Matrix Hyponychium Nail bed None 44. The nail technician should file Tim's flngernalls From center to each corner From each corner to the center Straight across Back and forth None 45. Smith's sudoriferous glands help: Regulate his body temperature Are commonly known as oil glands Empty into his hair follicles Secrete sebum None 46. All liviDg tldngs are made up .r tbk bask ualt, eatled the: Cell Protem Nucleus Cytoplasm None 47. Always refuse service and refer a client to a physician if they have 8 skin ot nall Hangnail Inflammation Bruise Callus None 48. The radial artery supplies the Thumb side and the back of the hand Little finger side of the arm Palm of the hand Back of the hand None 49. The deep fold of skin in which Rose's nail root is lodges is called the: Nail fold or mantle Nail groove Eponychium Lunula None 50. Liquid acrylic is a type of: Polymer Monomer Catalyst Curing None 51. The type of polish remover to use on clients who have artificial nails is Aceton Non- acetone Alcohol Hydrogen peroxide None 52. A client consultation is the conversation you have with the client before: Starting the service They make appointment They pay They buy retail products None 53. Hypoallergenlc products are used for the cllentos: Pharmacist Skin cancer Safety Acne None 54. Tanning is caused by exposing skin to the sunfis: Ultraviolet rays Keratoma Vitamin D Carotene None 55. The moisture got trapped between unsanitized natural nail and artificial nail. It turned from yellow to black. Known as: Nail mold Carcinogenic Rickettsia Onychophagy None 56. Unsanitary implements can cause these nail dlsea s: Onychomycosis Mold Onychia and paronychia Nevus None 57. The condition in which the nallioosens from the nail bed is: Paronychia Onychophagy (bitten nail) Onychia Nnycholysis None 58. The digital bones of the fingers are called: Metatarsi Metacarpi Phalanges Clavicles None 59. Foot files are, used to remove: Warts Hangnails Fungus Callus growths None 60. Your sense of right and wrong when you interact with clients, employer and coworkers is called: Honesty Professional ethics Moral values Moodiness None 61. Natural immunity is obtained by keeping the body: Warm Healthy Underweight Overweight None 62. After removing an artificial nail, any remaining glue residue is removed by using alan: Emery board Oily remover Steel pusher Fine buffer block None 63. The technical name for callus is: Freckle Stratum lucidum Keratoma Mole None 64. The name of Don's skin coloring pigment is: Lymph Keratin Sebum Melanin None 65. When using Quarternary ammonium compound, one important step is to: Measure it carefully Change it after each use Change it daily Dilute it to an antiseptic strength None 66. Tinea pedis is another name for Hangnails Ingrown nails Athleteos foot Brittle nails None 67. An emerty board is an example of an item that is: Wct sanitized Heat sanitized Disposable Reused None 68. The maintenance of normal, internal stability in the organisms of Helen's body is known as: Homeostasis Leukonychia Carcinogenic Onychogryposis None 69. This medical specialty focuses on skin problems: Cardiology Dermatology Esthetics Podiatry None 70. Annie's rubber implements should not be disinfected with: Phenolics Quaternary ammonium compounds Sodium hypochlorite compounds Fumigant None 71. Soaking in water hardens: Acrylic ball Rhinestone applications No- light gels Acrylic residue None 72. The activity is dangerous around nail chemicals: Gossiping Chewing gum Talking loudly Smoking None 73. All of the following statements are true concerning AIDS except that it: Attacks the body's immune system Is caused by a virus Lies dormant for many years Is caused by bacteria None 74. A condition in which white spots appear on the nails is called: Leukonychia Atrophy (onychatrophia) Nevus Corrugations None 75. Kathy's local beauty supply distributor has given her a Material Safety Data Sheet for the product she uses. This sheet provides information for the productos: Instructions on how to apply the product Chemistry, hazards, &handling procedure Required sanitation policies and procedure Percentage of allergic reactions to it None 76. The nerve which supplies impulses to the top of the foot is the: Dorsal Digital Saphenous Ulnar None 77. The best way to protect yourself and your clients against infection: Ask if they have an infection Wear masks Sanitize implements properly Sanitize 3 times a day None 78. Bacilli and spirilla propel themselves with hairlike projections known as: Flagella Propellants Mitosis Cocci None 79. The manicure table should have a bulb of this wattage in the lamp: 60 watts 100 watts 150 watts 40 watts None 80. Men generally need more work done on their cuticle and the most common nail shape for male clients is: Rectangular Oval Round Square None 81. When conditions are unfavorable for reproduction, bacteria will go dormant after forming a tough covering called a: Shell Spore Mitosis Flagella None 82. The movements of the body are controlled by the: Efferent nerves Peripheral system Blood Central nervous system None 83. Learning about other services offered at the salon, such as hair and skin care, and then telling your clients about them, is called salon: Performance Show off Networking Promotion None 84. Jessica, a nail technician, has just completed a manicure and is cleaning up on her table area. Jessica discardes an of the following used items except the: Cuticle nipper Emery board Orangewood stick Used cotton ball None 85. The technical term for the nail is: Hyponychium Onyx Matrix Cura None 86. Parker should store his dirt / soiled towels in __ until he has time to launder them A bin at the shampoo area An open container for soiled items A closed container for soiled items The manicuring table drawer None 87. Patrick's hangnails are caused by A thick lunula A thin dermis layer An injured matrix Dry cuticle None 88. Nail technicians use nail forms when they apply: Nail tips Acrylic nails Mending tissue Acrylic over nail tips None 89. Gwendolyn, a nail technician, should apply nail polish in strokes that are: Rough and jerky Quick and smooth Short and dry Long and excessively wet None 90. Massage servive should not performed on a client who had stroke, heart condition, and: Scar High blood pressure Cough Dry skin None 91. Gwendolyn has a light-cured gel system in her salon. Two light sources for these gels arc: Ultraviolet and halogen. Ultraviolet and infrared Infrared and halogen Infrared None 92. The hardening process in acrylic nails is know as: Catalyst Polymerization Curing Monomer None 93. When you apply for manicure, soft or fragile nails should be filed using alan: Emery board Metal file Chamois buffer Nail brush None 94. Bacilli and spirilla propel themselves with hairlike projections known as: Silicone lotion Rubber gloves Clear polish Dust mask None 95. Massage, nerve impulses and light rays are some of the ways to stimulate: Phalanges Muscles Sanitation Eyes None 96. Insomnia, watery eyes and sluggishness are symptoms of chemical: Overexposure Inhalation Burn Poisoning None 97. State regulation expect a salon environment to be: Sterile Infectious Decorative Sanitary None 98. The nail plate, or body, extends from the nail root to the: Lunula Matrix Nail bed Free edge None 99. Cindy is explaining to Cheryl that a particular hand lotion will meet all of Cheryl's needs for her dry hands. Cindy, the nail technician, is discussing the hand lotion's: Disadvantages Benefits Wrap- ups Feature None 100. By understanding body structure, you will be more proficient when doing: Fiber wraps Basic manicure Pedicure Hand & arm massage None